Apport – is when an object has been dematerialized and materialized in a séance through a wall.
Attunement – preparing to receive energies for healing
Aura – is the emanation around the human body.
Body Intelligence- healing intelligence that works independently from the mind
Clairvoyance - is the ability to perceive things not in sight
Coloring – is when the medium gets in the way and alters or distorts the message.
Concentration- is focusing ones attention to one point without distraction.
Dream Experience – patient dreamed of cause and remedy practiced in Greek temples
Etheric body – is the spiritual body
Immortality – is the first law of spirit
Levitation – the rising of physical objects or humans without visible means.
Materialization - is the appearance of objects
Meditation - is the intentional directing of attention to clear the mind.
Concentration and centering are the 2 basic ingredients.
Near death experience – is an oobe where people clinically die and but survive and live to tell of the experience.
Parapsychology – is the branch of science concerned with human exchange which are independent of physical means of expression
Psychometry – is the ability to sense facts and history from an object.
Psycho kinesis – PK in which movement of object occurs
Reincarnation is the belief that the spirit returns into another physical body after death.
Spirit – the consciousness residing in the spirit or etheric world, formally of the earth plane.
Spiritual Healing - is a gift possessed by certain mediums exercised by or under the control of spiritual being for the relief of mental, physical or spiritual healing.
Telepathy – mind to mind communication
Trance - is a sleeplike state which permits the physical body to be used by a discarnate being.
Transfiguration – when a medium assume the characteristics of a spirit person for their representation.
Veridical – a highly elevated message that imparts truth
Vicarious atonement is taking the place of another for acts or deeds. |